Tech house now has a (semi-)communal Wii, and it is awesome.
Twilight Princess is a lot of fun, becaude dude, it's Zelda. It's even better when you have a group of people and they do things like suggesting that your horse should be named "Epwned"
Seeing as you have far too much work due for tomorrow that you need to do, it would be unwise to reformat your Linux partition and install the new version of Ubuntu.
It's a lot of work to maintain and occasionally really frustrating, but I think that's the joy in it. It's challenging and rewarding in equal measures, though, and it's perfect for a big computer nerd like me.
The command line kicks so much ass, too. ubuntu is pretty damn awesome.
I need to go install The Sims KotoR Firefox onto it.
ETA: I also got my course selection stuffm, and I'm now freaking out because I have no idea what I want to take. And I think I'm going to take lots of rather boring "required" classes instead of the interesting one. We shall see.